Monday, April 16, 2018

Slavemaster pretending to be a servant

Views expressed do not necessarily represent those of University Bible Fellowship

Often public officials such as Mayors, Senators, Presidents, etc. are called public servants but actually people are expected to obey public officials so people are the slaves or servants of these public officials even though they claim they are a servant of the people who they control

The Jehovah Witness governing body is called the faithful and discrete slave but actually they enslave those under them

The Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many

Who is the hired hand and will he be faithful to serving the sheep or will he eat them?

Marriage by faith is arranged by God's "servants"

A deacon is supposed to be a servant or someone who waits on tables

A minister is supposed to be one who does the service of ministry or to minister is to serve

Ministry of justice

Ministry of peace

Prime Minister

Think about it

End of article 

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